The process of taking care of your pool does not end when you put the cover on at the end of the season. It’s important to continue caring for your pool during the off season especially with all the snow and rain we have received this December.
Take advantage of our offseason maintenance service, leave the offseason work to us!
Off Season Service Includes:
Draining Water From Cover Inspect and re-secure winter cover.
Clean leaves and debris off of cover.
Add Winter Algicide and Shock to Pool
Check Winter Plugs
Check water level in pool (Drain to proper winter level if Needed)
Check Air Pillow Check waterbags (new waterbags can be added at additional

Our crews have been busy the past few weeks, with all the rain and snow, pools are now full and NEED to be drained. Severe damage can occur when water levels are too high during the winter, especially on Gunite pools and tile lines. Water levels should be drained at least 18" below the top of the pool to prevent freeze damage. Covers should be cleaned and drained off to prevent damage to your pool cover over the winter.
Winter Maintenance is extremely important not only for pool and cover but to ensure an easier pool opening in the spring.
Our crews will be available all winter any pool needs.
To Book a Service:
📞781-801-3539 📲 🖥